Thursday, December 04, 2008

Peppermint Mocha

Peppermint Mocha

Homemade Peppermint Mocha. The candy cane really does give a wonderful, peppermint flavor to a mocha or hot chocolate (if you prefer). It was a cold, snow day outside so I warmed my insides. Today, it's single digit cold and my head is aching and stuffy. I had things that I needed to do today but thinking I'll just snuggle in bed and try and sleep off whatever crud is trying to find me.

*Now playing: Christmastime Is Here (Vocal) by Vince Guaraldi - A Charlie Brown Christmas


Anonymous said...

I love this! Love the snowflake disc

Anonymous said...

I have been resisting Christmas because it's still too early for me (the Dutch St Nicholas hasn't been yet), but this photo has succeeded in breaking my resolve. :-)

Anonymous said...

very nice and warming image. Good music too.