Saturday, December 01, 2007

Starry Eyed


Tonight I'm hugging SallyCat a little bit closer, finding a bit more patience for her antics. This morning, my sister's cat (Sadie) developed acute renal failure and they had to make that decision none of us wishes to make. Sadie and SallyCat are about the same age, Sadie might have been a year older. So yep, this evening I am more aware of her age and of the concerns her doctor has expressed in the past. Those of you with pets, hug them close tonight. You just never know. Heck, hug all those you hold dear close tonight as one just never knows.

On another note, it's nasty outside. Snow turned to a mix of everything from sleet to freezing rain. Think I'll join SallyCat in front of the fireplace this evening but first, something hot to drink.


Anonymous said...

I love this picture and those delightful stars! Yep, hug all we hold dear close tonight and every night.

Angel said...

aww...that is so sad. I dread that day...and I always hug my dogs...I love them so much, even if they DO drive me bonkers sometimes.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about your sister's cat! I will hug my pets extra tight today. So very, very sad.

I love that beautiful picture, with the stars. How perfect.

Bonnie said...

Thank you Shirley, Beth and Eileen.

Cindi said...

o, i'm so sorry for sade. yup, a reminder to hold them close while you can ~ a-choo is 14 now...
also a reminder that life can be so short and every day is precious. and not to waste them...